Oh my gosh, well, silly Danielle went and did it again...I LOST my CAMERA!!!!!
I"m pretty frustrated, cuz I have so many pictures on there, and it must be found lol, and soon!
So, I started summer classes this past week, and it's been a busy kick off to my summer!
I'm in math class with 2 of my friends, and it looks like I may do well in this one! If all goes "according to plan" then I will take one more math course this fall, and apply to Stan State in October, so let's keep our fingers crossed. (and even our toes if that will help haha).
Also continuing this week will be my working out in the Almond orchards, doing all sorts of different farm work (I hope) as well as weeding around all of our baby trees. We have had several brand new trees that just didn't take, so we get to go dig them up and return them, and they will reimburse us for those, as it's to late in the season to replant. We will have to wait until next year. But yes, always more than plenty of work to be done on the farm, never a shortage on that!
And so it goes...more to come soon!