Dream Lilly

Dream Lilly
~Lilies Noir~

06 July, 2010

My Lovin' Spoonful...

My little man...these are the days that seem to just fly by...This would be snack time, with the family, Gramma on the left, Grandpa on the right, and our little Chihuahua, Isabella smack in the middle, hoping to get some sort of crumbs...He is learning how to sit in the "big boy" chair now, but he doesn't get to very often, we are still working on that...but he really loves it, I guess it makes him feel all "grown up" and more a part of the family than anything...it's hard for me to see him just growing every single day, it seems like now...

This is my long, tall drink of water...he can reach the air-conditioning buttons when he stands on his train!

I took a little test today on my baby website, you put in your child's age, m/f, their height, weight and then they give you an "estimate" of what your child's height will be by the time they hit 18 years old...ok....are you ready for this?
(Keep in mind, that I am only 5'6, his father is about 6' or 6'1) They told me that based on his measurements right now, at age 2 1/2, by the time he is 18, Levi will be somewhere between 6'4 and 6'5!!!
Can you believe it? Even if they are close, he is still going to tower over me...I just know he is going to be a football player, or a soccer player, or even a baseball player...this kid was built and designed for athletics...his arm and accuracy are remarkable, and his coordination is great!!!!

I love this look...I just had to put it on here...he is sooooo scheming something...and mommy probably won't find out what it is until I hear a Crash, Bang, or Boom!
Either that, or I will mysteriously lose another remote control, or my wallet, or perhaps I will even mysteriously discover where my prescription sunglasses (which are NOT cheap) had disappeared too...I'm still hunting for those...two weeks ago, I lost my keys while we were getting ready to leave for daycare and school...I was rushing to get breakfast all done and over with, and a sudden silence came over the house...I searched for over an hour for them...had to call his daycare cuz we were so late...I was getting frantic. Finally, I stopped in my tracks...and I thought to myself..."Now if I were Levi, where would I hide those keys?" Then, I thought f the cupboards in the kitchen...I searched in 4 of them...and low and behold....Ta-Da!! They were stuffed in a bunch of stacked cups n the very back of a cupboard...How he got them there...the world may never know...heehee!

Oh, these are my favorite...This is most definitely a "Gramma Thing". I am learning what those types of things are...just special little things that He and Gramma share...its really adorable too!
He takes all of her nail polishes out, and lines them up, one by one, counting at least to 2 or 3, and then he would take one to her at a time, and point to his toes, indicating he just "wanted some too!" So naturally, Gramma had to oblige...and he actually sat still long enough to let her do it...that's what cracks me up!! But I suppose the colors are pretty...hhhmmm.....tropical, just like his momma? Or his Mi-Ma? (I think that is my mom's new 'gramma' nickname) Levi seems to like it...He is just so precious...

These are just a few of the moments that make my heart joyful, and make my soul just soar...he is my little coconut! Single parenthood is not easy, but I see my blessings, and my future, in his eyes every morning...all the time...when he smiles, all you see is teeth, and its just...awesome...This is my lovin' spoonful!


  1. Sorry Dani, I haven't been commenting much lately. It was a crazy month with graduations, Jill's visit and the VBS....

    This is a wonderful post, love the pictures of Levi, and hope I can get back to normal and do my daily visiting of my favorite blogs.

    Love and Hugs dear

  2. Levi is too cute Danie! Your tales about him make me think of my grandson Jack. He just turned two and for awhile went through a phase of throwing things in the garbage. Not garbage things. Remote control and phone things! I think he knows better now, just proves how quick they change.
    I love the colored toes, he's so sweet!
    Love Di ♥


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