Dream Lilly

Dream Lilly
~Lilies Noir~

25 July, 2010

Beauty in The Roots

So, today is a beautiful day outside, and it's not scorching hot like it has been, but it's warm...
Makes me think of roots...different kinds.

There are the roots of our lives, what was planted in us from a very early age, that made the foundations of who we are today.

~And in thinking this, it makes me think of how the roots grow in plants, and especially flowers, the farther down they grow, the healthier and bigger the plant will be.
Then, there are the roots of our names...where they are derived from, various origins of our names, which has always fascinated me.
So this post is really just meant to be colorful, and exploring so many different attributes of roots...

I chose the Lotus first because that is the flower for July. I have seen them several different colors, like pinks and reds but never blue!!
I thought, "How interesting...and beautiful!" A bright blue lotus...how could this not make it on my page? haha...

I thought this was an unusual type of flower, and its just because I've never really seen this before!! It's so pretty, and its so small...it's called the Clover; the Oregon Coast wildflower.
The petals are thin, but lovely...

Have you ever wondered what certain flowers "mean"? In the old days, If you gave a woman a particular type of flower, it had a generalized meaning behind it...

These are pictures of a Camellia flower. These were meant to say "Have courage...Be brave and you will succeed."

hibiscus peach color

This a peach colored Hibiscus flower. How incredible?
These were given to denote gentle beauty; saying "The beauty of your face is matched by your heart". How incredibly loved, or even adored would you feel if you received a bouquet of these, maybe even different colors, from someone you loved so very much?

pansy image


pansy picture

pansy photo

Pansies are small...simple...and yet so full of various colors, that they are just as beautiful as other, larger flowers, and they have their own space. So lovely, they signified the reflection of pleasant memories...as if to say," Remember the night we danced..."

And for the flowers, last, but most certainly not least, my two very, whole-hearted favorites...

orchid picture
 orchid picture
pink red orchid picture
 orchid picture

These are various types of Orchids...They are so very precious to me, and I will always love them, because they are so delicate, and fresh.
Orchids denote abundance...saying,"I will give you everything your heart desires..." How incredible, to be given the things truly of your heart? What else could possibly make you feel complete?

lily peach color

star gazer lily flower picture

pink calla lily  pictures

maroon lily flower

These are various lilies, my very favorite being the Stargazer, the second picture. I love all kinds of lilies, but by and far, those are the dearest and most precious to my soul...and they were reflective of purity, saying, "I love you without expectations..."

The reason I love Lilies and Orchids so much is because of what they "signify"...the expressions "I love you without expectations..." and "I will give you everything your heart desires..."

Who does that sound like?

There is only one that can make those promises and fulfill them completely...Christ.
As he molds us, shapes us, and creates these beautiful blossoms inside of us that no other could ever match, it really stops me...and makes me wonder...WHY ME?
Sometimes it feels like a heavy job interview...you've been selected out of 50 to 100 other applicants; weeded through for weeks, and each having nearly the same qualifications...and when you get the phone call that YOU have been chosen, out of all those others, you cannot help but wonder, "WHY ME?" "What was so special about me, that they wanted me for the job, and no one else?" "What was it they saw in me?"

But with my God, the crazy part is...we don't have to 'measure up', or try to have the greatest, most incredible resume ever seen, we don't need references for others to vouch for us or our character.

He says, "Come as YOU ARE...and I will give you everything your heart desires...and Oh, how I love you, without expectations..."

He does not require anything of us...except that we yield the only thing we have to Him...our lives. My life. Whatever fruit I produce in it, if I produce it for Him, that is the ONLY thing that is asked of me.

~My roots are Hebrew~
I love the roots of my name...Danielle. It's the female form of Daniel (and I was named after my grandfather, and I'm so proud to say that.) In Hebrew, Daniel looks like this: דניאל. It means God Is My Judge. As does mine, Danielle.

my son, Levi is so precious. Even before he was born, it really seemed to be the only name that truly fit him, and even more so after he was born. And I chose his name because it's biblical, and it's beautiful.
In Hebrew, his name looks like this: שבט לוי.
Levi means Joined In Harmony, or to Accompany.

Our names come from deep roots, somewhere...and I really love knowing where mine came from, and my son's....how precious it is to me.

In Matthew 21, the story is about the Pharisees, and the "teachers" whose main goal was to steal from the poor masses, in the courts of God, every day. His confrontation with them opened their eyes, and His words pierced like swords in them...The owner of a vineyard rented out to vine growers...who promised to care for his servants, and once he was gone, killed each of his servants, and eventually murdered his only son, and threw his body outside the vineyard. In doing this, they hoped to gain all the profits for themselves.

This story exposed the roots of the Pharisees, these "teachers" and "holy priests" for what they were...withered and shallow, without nutrients.
I love His words to them...

"The stone which the builders rejected, This became the chief cornerstone. This came about from the Lord, and it is marvelous to our eyes...He who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces, but on whomever it falls, it will scatter him like dust."
Those are powerful words...
So, if my faith is shallow, and has no real roots, I'm a fake. no better than all the priests and teachers who ridiculed Him, and tried so vehemently to trap Him...But if I welcome Him, and allow Him to take root, just as I am, I will not remain the same...the remains of the day will change, as much as I allow them to be.

So, it's up to me...I love my roots...where I've come from...and I'm so glad that I'm no longer left to my own roots! It begs the question..."Where do my roots lie~Near the topsoil, or deep beneath?"


  1. What a beautiful post Dani~ I love your name and Levi' too.

    Enjoyed how you can share your heart. You do have the gift of writing.

    Love and Hugs to all

  2. I loved this post Dani and I would say that your roots definitely run very deep!
    Your words were as beautiful as the flowers. I love all flowers. They give great pleasure.
    Love Di ♥


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